Side Leaning Addons - Unity Asset


Player-Side Leaning Addon for MFPS

This addon brings the dynamic of player-side leaning to the MFPS player controller. Player-side leaning is a feature that allows the player character to lean or tilt their body to the left or right without fully exposing themselves from cover. This mechanic significantly enhances the player’s situational awareness, aiming accuracy, and tactical positioning during gameplay.

The integration of this addon is a one-click process, and it allows you to customize the degree of tilt for each player. This means you can adjust how much each player can lean to the left or right, providing an additional layer of customization to your game. This addon is a great way to add more depth and strategy to your multiplayer first-person shooter games.

Note! You have to pay for this item, but you can get it for free now. Remember, this is only for learning or trying out the product before you buy it, not for use in your business.


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